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Cytogenet. Genome Res., 104, 87- 94

Human fibroblasts expressing hTERT show remarkable karyotype stability even after exposure to ionizing radiation.

L.M. Pirzio, M.A. Freulet, Y. Bai, B. Fouladi, J.P. Murnane, L. Sabatier, C. Desmaze

Ectopic expression of telomerase results in an immortal phenotype in various types of normal cells, including primary human fibroblasts. In addition to its role in telomere lengthening, telomerase has now been found to have various functions, including the control of DNA repair, chromatin modification, and the control of expression of genes involved in cell cycle regulation. The investigations on the long-term effects of telomerase expression in normal human fibroblast highlighted that these cells show low frequencies of chromosomal aberrations. In this paper, we describe the karyotypic stability of human fibroblasts immortalized by expression of hTERT. The ectopic overexpression of telomerase is associated with unusual spontaneous as well as radiation-induced chromosome stability. In addition, we found that irradiation did not enhance plasmid integration in cells expressing hTERT, as has been reported for other cell types. Long-term studies illustrated that human fibroblasts immortalized by telomerase show an unusual stability for chromosomes and for plasmid integration sites, both with and without exposure to ionizing radiation. These results confirm a role for telomerase in genome stabilisation by a telomere-independent mechanism and point to the possibility for utilizing hTERT-immortalized normal human cells for the study of gene targeting.

Cell, 115, 523- 535

EMSY links the BRCA2 pathway to sporadic breast and ovarian cancer.

L. Hughes-Davies, D. Huntsman, M. Ruas, F. Fuks, J. Bye, S.-F. Chin, J. Milner, L.A. Brown, F. Hsu, B. Gilks, T. Nielsen, M. Schulzer, S. Chia, J. Ragaz, A. Cahn, L. Linger, H. Ozdag, E. Cattaneo, E.S. Jordanova, et al.

<p>The BRCA2 gene is mutated in familial breast and ovarian cancer, and its product is implicated in DNA repair and transcriptional regulation. Here we identify a protein, EMSY, which binds BRCA2 within a region (exon 3) deleted in cancer. EMSY is capable of silencing the activation potential of BRCA2 exon 3, associates with chromatin regulators HP1beta and BS69, and localizes to sites of repair following DNA damage. EMSY maps to chromosome 11q13.5, a region known to be involved in breast and ovarian cancer. We show that the EMSY gene is amplified almost exclusively in sporadic breast cancer (13%) and higher-grade ovarian cancer (17%). In addition, EMSY amplification is associated with worse survival, particularly in node-negative breast cancer, suggesting that it may be of prognostic value. The remarkable clinical overlap between sporadic EMSY amplification and familial BRCA2 deletion implicates a BRCA2 pathway in sporadic breast and ovarian cancer.</p>