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Cell, 115, 523- 535

EMSY links the BRCA2 pathway to sporadic breast and ovarian cancer.

L. Hughes-Davies, D. Huntsman, M. Ruas, F. Fuks, J. Bye, S.-F. Chin, J. Milner, L.A. Brown, F. Hsu, B. Gilks, T. Nielsen, M. Schulzer, S. Chia, J. Ragaz, A. Cahn, L. Linger, H. Ozdag, E. Cattaneo, E.S. Jordanova, et al.

<p>The BRCA2 gene is mutated in familial breast and ovarian cancer, and its product is implicated in DNA repair and transcriptional regulation. Here we identify a protein, EMSY, which binds BRCA2 within a region (exon 3) deleted in cancer. EMSY is capable of silencing the activation potential of BRCA2 exon 3, associates with chromatin regulators HP1beta and BS69, and localizes to sites of repair following DNA damage. EMSY maps to chromosome 11q13.5, a region known to be involved in breast and ovarian cancer. We show that the EMSY gene is amplified almost exclusively in sporadic breast cancer (13%) and higher-grade ovarian cancer (17%). In addition, EMSY amplification is associated with worse survival, particularly in node-negative breast cancer, suggesting that it may be of prognostic value. The remarkable clinical overlap between sporadic EMSY amplification and familial BRCA2 deletion implicates a BRCA2 pathway in sporadic breast and ovarian cancer.</p>

Am J Pathol, 2003, 393- 399

Detection of disseminated tumor cells in neuroblastoma: 3 log improvement in sensitivity by automatic immunofluorescence plus FISH (AIPF) analysis compared with classical bone marrow cytology.

G. Méhes, A. Luegmayr, R. Kornmüller, I.M. Ambros, R. Ladenstein, H. Gadner, P.F. Ambros

<p>The sensitive detection of bone marrow involvement is crucial for tumor staging at diagnosis and for monitoring of the therapeutic response in the patient's follow-up. In neuroblastoma, only conventional cytomorphological techniques are presently accepted for the detection of bone marrow involvement, yet since the therapeutic consequences of the bone marrow findings may be far-reaching, the need for highly reliable detection methods has become evident. For this purpose, we developed an automatic immunofluorescence plus FISH (AIPF) device which allows the exact quantification of disseminated tumor cells and the genetic verification in critical cases. In this study, the power of the immunofluorescence technique is compared with conventional cytomorphology. 198 samples from 23 neuroblastoma patients (stages 4 and 4s) at diagnosis and during follow-up were investigated. At diagnosis, 45.6% of the samples (26 of 57) which were positive by AIPF investigation were negative by cytomorphology. During follow-up, 74.2% (49 of 66) of AIPF-positive samples showed no cytological signs of tumor cell involvement. False negative morphological results were found in up to 10% of tumor cell content. A tumor cell infiltrate below 0.1% was virtually not detectable by conventional cytomorphology. Using the sensitive immunofluorescence technique, the analysis of only two instead of four puncture sites did not lead to false negative results. Thus, the immunofluorescence technique offers an excellent tool for reliable detection and quantification of disseminated tumor cells at diagnosis and during the course of the disease.</p>

Radioprotection, 38, 323- 340

Comparaison de systèmes d'analyse d'images cytologiques en dosimétrie biologique (FRENCH)

L. Roy, M. Delbos, N. Paillole, V. Durand, P. Voisin

La technique de référence en dosimétrie biologique est basée sur le dénombrement des aberrations chromosomiques de type dicentrique induit par les rayonnements ionisants. Cet article présente divers systèmesd'analyse d'images utilisés en dosimétrie biologique pour aider la détection de ces aberrations. Les systèmes présentés sont le CYTOGEN de la société IMSTAR, le CYTOSCAN (APPLIED IMAGING) et le METAFER (METASYSTEM). Tous ne présentent pas les mêmes fonctionnalités et chacun peut être utilisé de façon plus ou moins automatique. Certaines fonctionnalités communes de ces systèmes sont comparées. L'aide apportée par les systèmes porte sur 3 points : (1) localisation automatique des métaphases sur les lames, dans ce cas on a un gain de temps d'un facteur 2 à 4 par rapport au comptage manuel ; (2) un outil d'aide au comptage qui apporte un confort de lecture et une meilleure fiabilité des résultats ; (3) la détection automatique des dicentriques est particulièrement utile en cas de tri de population. En effet, dans ce cas il faut estimer très rapidement la dose reçue par un nombre important de personnes. Par contre, l'estimation de dose n'a pas besoin d'être aussi précise que dans le cas de l'expertise individuelle. Des erreurs dans la détection des dicentriques est alors tolérée et une détection automatique des dicentriques est envisageable. Le gain de temps est très appréciable puisqu'il est possible de compter 300 cellules en une demie-heure (METAFER) contre 25 avec la seule aide du chercheur de métaphases. Cependant la qualité de la détection doit encore être améliorée puisque 50 % des dicentriques ne sont pas détectées. Le marquage des centromères par technique FISH devrait permettre d'améliorer la sensibilité de la technique. Les premiers résultats sont encourageant puisque 90 % des centromères sont correctements détectés mais d'autres expériences doivent êtres réalisées pour évaluer le gain de temps.

Leukemia, 15, 275- 277

Unequivocal identification of disseminated tumor cells in the bone marrow by combining immunological and genetic approaches–functional and prognostic information.

P.F. Ambros, G. Méhes, C. Hattinger, I.M. Ambros, A. Luegmayr, R. Ladenstein, H. Gadner

The detection and quantification of disseminated tumor cells (DTC) present in the bone marrow (BM), peripheral blood (PB) and apheresis products (AP) are becoming increasingly significant in the treatment of cancer patients. Three different applications are implemented in the clinical practice of pediatric and adult solid tumor patients: (1) the identification of tumor cells in the BM and PB at diagnosis; (2) the response of occult tumor cells to high-dose chemotherapy; and (3) the presence of tumor cells in the autograft. In solid tumors the clinical significance of DTCs at diagnosis or during the course of the disease, usually termed minimal residual disease (MRD) testing, is still under debate. These indistinct results are mainly due to methodical reasons. Therefore, a fully automated system (RCDetect/metafer) combining the detection of 'tumor-specific' immunological features together with 'tumor-typical' DNA aberrations has been developed allowing the unambiguous visualization of tumor cells in a hematopoietic surrounding.

Medical and Pediatric Oncology, 36, 205- 209

Automatic detection and genetic profiling of disseminated neuroblastoma cells.

G. Méhes, A. Luegmayr, C.M. Hattinger, T. Lörch, I.M. Ambros, H. Gadner, P.F. Ambros

BACKGROUND: Rare tumor cells circulating in the hematopoietic system can escape identification. On the other hand, the nature of these cells, positive for an immunologiCal tumor marker, cannot be determined without any genetic information. PROCEDURE: To overcome these problems a novel computer assisted scanning system for automatic cell search, analysis, and sequential repositioning was developed. This system allows an exact quantitative analysis of rare tumor cells in the bone marrow and peripheral blood by sequential immunological and molecular cytogenetic characterization. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: In that virtually all tumor cells in a mixing experiment could be recovered unambiguously, we can conclude that the sensitivity of this approach is set by the number of cells available for analysis. Sequential FISH analyses of immunologically positive cells improve both the specificity and the sensitivity of the microscopic minimal residual disease detection.

Medical and Pediatric Oncology, 36, 205- 209

Automatic detection and genetic profiling of disseminated neuroblastoma cells

G. Méhes, A. Luegmayr, C.M. Hattinger, T. Lörch, I.M. Ambros, H. Gadner, P.F. Ambros

BACKGROUND: Rare tumor cells circulating in the hematopoietic system can escape identification. On the other hand, the nature of these cells, positive for an immunologiCal tumor marker, cannot be determined without any genetic information. PROCEDURE: To overcome these problems a novel computer assisted scanning system for automatic cell search, analysis, and sequential repositioning was developed. This system allows an exact quantitative analysis of rare tumor cells in the bone marrow and peripheral blood by sequential immunological and molecular cytogenetic characterization. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: In that virtually all tumor cells in a mixing experiment could be recovered unambiguously, we can conclude that the sensitivity of this approach is set by the number of cells available for analysis. Sequential FISH analyses of immunologically positive cells improve both the specificity and the sensitivity of the microscopic minimal residual disease detection.

Mutation Research, 334, 97- 102

Automated metaphase finding: an assessment of the efficiency of the METAFER2 system in routine mutagenicity assay

R. Huber, U. Kulka, T. Lörch, H. Braselmann, M. Bauchinger

The efficiency of the automated metaphase finding system METAFER2 is assessed in a routine mutagenicity assay using an aneuploid rat liver cell line treated with various promutagens. Data sets generated by automated and manual selection of metaphases are compared. It is demonstrated that METAFER2 routinely allows an efficient automatic identification of metaphases not only in lymphocyte preparations, but also in preparations from mammalian cell lines with varying chromosome numbers. Although larger slide areas are required for automated compared to manual metaphase scanning, the automatic system is faster by a factor of about 5. The interactive visual elimination of metaphases of insufficient quality is an easy and fast procedure. METAFER2 allows an unbiased selection of metaphases irrespective of their appearance as homogeneously stained first or harlequin-stained second division cells. Random selection of metaphases is neither influenced by various structural chromosome changes nor by increased frequencies of sister-chromatid exchanges.

Mutation Research, 272, 31- 34

Time-saving in biological dosimetry by using the automatic metaphase finder Metafer2

J. Weber, W. Scheid, H. Traut

The amount of time-saving by using the Metafer2 metaphase finder for routine analysis of radiation-induced chromosome aberrations (biological dosimetry) was determined. Metaphases were prepared by standard methods from cultures of human peripheral blood lymphocytes and stained either with Giemsa or with the FPG method. The metaphase finder was used for detecting metaphases on the microscope slides and for automatically processing the evaluation data. In our laboratory, standardized analysis of 1000 metaphases requires at least 3 working days for cell culturing and slide preparation and 51.5 working hours for cytogenetic analysis. When using the metaphase finder the time required for cytogenetic analysis is reduced to 17.3 working hours (time-saving factor: 51.5/17.3 h = 3.0). In our prolonged method, including more than one scoring of each slide and karyotyping of metaphases with chromosome aberrations, the analysis times for 1000 cells are 132 and 70 working hours, respectively (time saving factor: 132/70 h = 1.9).