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Workshop by OOO MetaSystems Russia on Neuromorphology

Jul 1, 2019

N.N.Burdenko National Scientific and Practical Center for Neurosurgery is one of the first MetaSystems’ customers in Russia who implemented FISH on tissues into their daily practice ( in the late 90ies). Our partner in Russia, OOO MetaSystems therefore provides comprehensive support of all initiatives shown by the head of pathology lab and its staff. The 'Neuromorphology' conference unites many scientists and doctors from Russia and CIS countries, specialists of molecular diagnostics of tumors and lymphomas of the central nervous system (CNS). On the day after the latest conference, there was a workshop where everyone had the opportunity to analyze own slides and discuss it with other participants. A multi head observation system with direct link to the monitor helped to resolve many uncertain cases. OOO MetaSystems is proud to be a part of this community, being a provider of best imaging solutions and DNA-probes for pathologists.


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