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Cytometry, 68, 113- 120

Automatic telomere length measurements in interphase nuclei by IQ-FISH.

R. Narath, T. Lörch, K.M. Greulich-Bode, P. Boukamp, P.F. Ambros

<p>To benefit from the fluorescence-based automatic microscope (FLAME), we have adapted a PNA FISH technique to automatically determine telomere length in interphase nuclei. The method relies on the simultaneous acquisition of pan-telomeric signals and reference probe signals. We compared the quantitative figures to those for existing methods, i.e. Southern blot analysis and quantitative FISH (Q-FISH). Quantitative-FISH on interphase nuclei (IQ-FISH) allows the exact quantification of telomere length in interphase nuclei. Thus, this enables us to obtain not only exact information on the telomere length, but also morphological and topological details. The automatic measurement of large cell numbers allows the measurement of statistically relevant cell populations.</p>

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