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Dicentric Scoring

Digital Quantification

Automated tools for processing chromosomal aberrations.

Key Features

  • The software identifies and counts dicentric chromosomes automatically, unattended, and in a high-throughput mode. It is extremely fast, and the results are highly reproducible.
  • All detected dicentric chromosomes are highlighted in the metaphase. A customizable scoring sheet shows the number of dicentric chromosomes in the selected metaphase and allows for manual corrections. Users can re-locate any metaphase for inspection.
  • Scoring parameters are user definable and can be adjusted with the integrated self-optimization algorithm. Identification of dicentric chromosomes is based on morphology criteria. The package also supports the evaluation of telomere and centromere signals of FISH probes.
  • MetaSystems offers a semi-automated workflow for the on-screen analysis of chromosomal aberrations. All tools are available as features of the Metafer slide scanning platform.
  • Studies can be designed by an administrator, and all slides in a study can be encoded to avoid scoring biases.
  • The metaphase finder automatically finds and acquires metaphases.
  • Images and/or original metaphases can be analyzed on screen, and aberration counts can be entered into user-configurable scoring sheets.
  • Once a study is completed, the administrator can decode the slide names, print or export results reports, and perform statistical analysis, such as with the Metafer's Chi-square calculator.
  • All parts of the workflow are highly customizable. Though each Metafer system comes with a database of aberration classes, users can add other ones. Scoring sheets can be adapted to required aberrations, and keyboard shortcuts can be assigned for easier editing.
  • The whole test can be performed in full compliance with Good Laboratory Practices (GLP) regulations, including multi-level user management, audit trails, and protected data and settings files.
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Dicentric Scoring

Dicentric chromosomes, i.e., chromosomes with two centromeres which originate from the rearrangement of two independent, damaged chromosomes, are frequently taken as an indicator lesion for chromosomal aberration studies. Especially in radiation biodosimetry, where time is a crucial factor for the analysis, the use of dicentric chromosomes as endpoint is advantageous over the often complex analysis of the whole damage. It was shown in many studies that the rate of dicentric chromosomes increases by dose, and the features of the dose-effect relationship are also specific for certain radiation types.

The Metafer DCScore package for the detection of dicentric chromosomes is the perfect solution for this problem. The software identifies and counts dicentric chromosomes automatically, unattended, and in a high throughput mode. It is extremely fast, and results are highly reproducible.

All detected dicentric chromosomes are highlighted in the metaphase. A customizable scoring sheet shows the number of dicentric chromosomes in the selected metaphase and allows for manual corrections. Of course it is possible to re-locate any metaphase for inspection.

Scoring parameters are user definable, and they can be adjusted with the integrated self-optimization algorithm. Identification of dicentric chromosomes is done based on morphology criteria, but optionally the Metafer DCScore package also supports the evaluation of telomere and centromere signals of FISH probes.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is the Metafer DCScore package?
The Metafer DCScore package is a software solution developed by MetaSystems for the automated detection and counting of dicentric chromosomes. It is designed for high-throughput, unattended analysis with high reproducibility, making it ideal for applications in radiation biodosimetry and chromosomal aberration studies.

What are dicentric chromosomes, and why are they important?
Dicentric chromosomes are chromosomes with two centromeres, resulting from the rearrangement of two damaged chromosomes. They are key indicators of chromosomal damage and are particularly useful in radiation biodosimetry due to their clear dose-response relationship.

How does the automated detection and counting work?
The Metafer DCScore package uses advanced image analysis algorithms to automatically identify and count dicentric chromosomes based on their morphological characteristics. This process is fast and does not require continuous human supervision.

Can the software highlight detected dicentric chromosomes?
Yes, all detected dicentric chromosomes are highlighted in the metaphase images, allowing users to easily review and verify the findings.

Is it possible to manually correct the automated results?
Absolutely. The software provides a customizable scoring sheet that displays the number of dicentric chromosomes in the selected metaphase, allowing users to make manual corrections if necessary.

What customization options are available?
Users can define scoring parameters and adjust them using an integrated self-optimization algorithm. The software supports both morphology-based identification and evaluation using telomere and centromere signals of FISH probes. Additionally, scoring sheets, reports, and export file formats can be tailored to specific needs.

How does the Metafer system ensure unbiased scoring?
The system allows administrators to encode slides in a study, preventing scorer biases. This ensures objective and reliable analysis.

What features does the integrated scanning system offer?
The integrated Metafer scanning platform includes tools for study design, automated metaphase finding, on-screen analysis, and customizable scoring sheets. It also supports comprehensive reporting and statistical analysis.

Can the software handle large-scale studies?
Yes, the Metafer DCScore package is designed for high-throughput analysis, making it suitable for large-scale studies and emergency situations where rapid results are crucial.

Is the software compliant with GLP regulations?
Yes, the Metafer system is fully compliant with Good Laboratory Practices (GLP) regulations, featuring multi-level user management, audit trails, and protected data and settings files.

How can the software aid in radiation biodosimetry?
By providing fast, accurate, and reproducible detection of dicentric chromosomes, the Metafer DCScore package helps estimate radiation doses quickly and reliably, which is essential in the aftermath of radiation accidents.

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Legal Note

MetaSystems offers Customization Packages for application workflows using standard Metafer platform functionality. The Customization Packages are not intended for diagnostic use.