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MetaSystems Distributor Meeting 2016 in Hong Kong

Dec 12, 2016
The DM 2016 took place in Hong Kong

The XV. MetaSystems Distributor Meeting (DM) in Hong Kong has been a very special one – in 2016 MetaSystems celebrates 30 years since its foundation in 1986. From December 06 to 08 the company has invited approx. 80 partners, users, and friends from all places in the world to meet at a hotel in the Harbour City of Kowloon. Specialists from MetaSystems, from MetaSystems Probes, and invited guest speakers presented latest news on MetaSystems and MetaSystems Probes products, first reports from new projects, and latest experiences in the field. This year, Neon has been a central topic as the first release is very near, but also the many microbiology applications have been presented and discussed.

MetaSystems thanks all participants of the DM 2016 and wishes everyone a safe trip back home. We appreciate your participation and would be glad welcoming you next year on the DM 2017!
