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Radiother Oncol, 107(3), 377–381
June, 2013

Early biomarkers related to secondary primary cancer risk in radiotherapytreated prostate cancer patients: IMRT versus IMAT.

Joke Werbrouck, Piet Ost, Valerie Fonteyne, Gert De Meerleer, Wilfried De Neve, Evelien Bogaert, Laurence Beels, Klaus Bacher, Anne Vral, Hubert Thierens

<p>To investigate whether rotational techniques (Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy - VMAT) are associated with a higher risk for secondary primary malignancies compared to step-and-shoot Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (ss-IMRT). To this end, radiation therapy (RT) induced DNA double-strand-breaks and the resulting chromosomal damage were assessed in peripheral blood T-lymphocytes of prostate cancer (PCa) patients applying γH2AX foci and G0 micronucleus (MN) assays.The study comprised 33PCa patients. A blood sample was taken before start of therapy and after the 1st and 3rd RT fraction to determine respectively the RT-induced γH2AX foci and MN. The equivalent total body dose (<em>D</em><sub>ETB</sub>) was calculated based on treatment planning data. A linear dose response was obtained for γH2AX foci yields versus (<em>D</em><sub>ETB</sub>) while MN showed a linear-quadratic dose response. Patients treated with large volume (LV) VMAT show a significantly higher level of induced γH2AX foci and MN compared to IMRT and small volume (SV) VMAT (p &lt; 0.01). Assuming a linear-quadratic relationship, a satisfactory correlation was found between both endpoints (<em>R</em><sup>2</sup> 0.86). Biomarker responses were governed by dose and irradiated volume of normal tissues. No significant differences between IMRT and rotational therapy inherent to the technique itself were observed.</p>

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