Neon - The Next Generation of Case and Image Management

Oct 13, 2022

The case and image management software called Neon is an integrated part of Ikaros, the karyotyping software, and Metafer, the slide scanning software. In the last weeks, we have highlighted some of the unique features of Neon.

Neon's strengths lie in the presentation of data from external sources with the acquired images for each imaging job in a comprehensive and versatile case management dashboard. This puts the relevant information at the user's fingertips - quickly, securely, and regardless of where the information comes from. Strong data management algorithms, multiple convenient display modes, and many options for selecting and filtering content in Neon enable the organization of large amounts of heterogeneous information for easy report creation.

Managing Entire Imaging Networks and Workflows

How many cases are to be processed today? Which cases are already being handled by a colleague? For which cases has the artificial intelligence already prepared karyogram suggestions for review? Which results can I already summarize in reports today?

Many questions, only one answer: the workflow overview in Neon, the case and image management that is part of Ikaros and Metafer installation. Only with Neon can a collection of individual workstations be turned into a coherent, well-organized work environment. Imaging networks are scalable with the future demand and can grow at any time.

A glance at the case list immediately shows the status of all cases with colored markers. Quick filtering options reduce the list to cases with a selected status. And in each case data sheet, the entire workflow and position of the respective case is displayed. The software automatically recognizes whether a case has just been created, whether Metafer has already taken metaphase images, or whether karyograms are already available. Stay tuned to learn more about our solutions for cytogenetic laboratories.

Storing Case Data

Images are of course the most important thing in karyotyping, but cases are not just images. After all, each image also represents a patient with a name, an address, a case history, and many other pieces of information that could be important for the final findings. It would be possible to manage this data in paper form or in a dedicated database, but in the end, it would be practical to have the data available where the images of the metaphases and karyograms are. Neon, the case and image management software integrated in Ikaros and Metafer, is designed to do just that.

Neon brings together data from many different sources, such as external databases, files, and input fields, and stores them together with the corresponding images in a case drawer. And once the data is there, it can be searched, filtered, used for statistics, and summarized in reports, all without leaving the familiar working environment.

Data Security Included

Cytogenetic laboratories work with highly sensitive patient data. The results of cytogenetic investigations usually have a very high impact on patients' lives. It is therefore even more important that these data are not only stored securely, but also offer the possibility of being able to trace all the information recorded at any time. Neon, the case and image management software integrated in Ikaros and Metafer, is made for exactly this purpose.

All data in Neon (including that from external data sources) is managed in a secure and controlled manner. Administrators can manage in detail which users have access to which data. And most importantly, every processing step is logged and documented so that the complete workflow can be traced. Full traceability: one of the key features of Neon.

Want to know more?

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