Neon: The next generation of MetaSystems' imaging systems for microscopy

Nov 16, 2015

At the 10th European Chromosome Conference held in Strasbourg (France), 4. - 7. July 2015, an early version of Neon was shown to the public for the first time. Neon represents the next generation of MetaSystems' imaging systems for microscopy. In order to show Neon to the attendees of the meeting, MetaSystems organized a lunch-time workshop, installed an exhibition booth with a running Neon station, and launched a micro-site on Neon (

The very promising response told us that Neon is definitely on the right path, and that it clearly fills a gap left open by existing systems. The platform helps to gain maximum of control over all imaging and data handling procedures. Patients, physicians, and technicians benefit from consistent documentation, secure handling of sensitive data, and user-friendliness in all procedures. Neon uses a brand-new encrypted file format, and it organizes and displays information in an extremely efficient and customizable way. As a consequence, Neon users always have access to exact information about case status, history of images, analysis results, and much more. Data import and export, even with customized data fields, and global, cross-application reports facilitate daily work.

We have already collected a number of very helpful comments and wishes from the community of cytogeneticists. Following our philosophy of developing close to the user's wishes, we will continue improving Neon to be the best system for microscopic imaging in the world.


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