MetaSystems Donates Metafer System for IAEA Reference Lab

Oct 1, 2020

New Metafer System for Biological Dosimetry at IAEA Reference Laboratory in Austria

Joint donation by Carl Zeiss and MetaSystems

The establishment of global criteria for the standardization of cytogenetic biological dosimetry is considered an essential part of the measures to prepare for radiation accidents. For this reason, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is setting up a reference laboratory for biodosimetry/radiobiology in Seibersdorf/Austria. With the help of this facility, countries without sufficient resources are to be supported with state-of-the-art methods of biodosimetry.

MetaSystems has long been committed to the standardization of cytogenetic biodosimetry by automating the microscopic evaluation of the respective assays based on defined parameters. This approach, which is based on MetaSystems' slide scanning platform Metafer, enables the exchange of standardized data between laboratories and thus facilitates the work of international biodosimetry networks.

To support this common goal, MetaSystems and its long-standing partner Carl Zeiss Germany have donated a fully equipped, automated evaluation platform for the laboratory in Seibersdorf. The new instrument consists of a Metafer system with an integrated, motorized AxioImager Z2 microscope from Carl Zeiss. The platform enables the automated evaluation of cytogenetic biodosimetry assays such as the chromosome aberration test, the micronucleus test, the comet assay and the evaluation of gamma-H2AX foci. In addition, the system automatically acquires mFISH images that can be analyzed on a separate evaluation station.

"Since 1986, MetaSystems has been manufacturing devices that automate the analysis of biodosimety assays”, stated Dr. Thomas Lörch, founder of MetaSystems. ”We are convinced that standardization will significantly contribute to the promotion of global cooperation in international networks, increasing the ability to respond quickly to accidents worldwide. With pride we therefore support the IAEA in its objectives in this regard".

Link to the related IAEA News:
IAEA Biological Dosimetry Model Laboratory Receives Equipment via Public-Private Partnership


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