Thus Spoke Zarathustra ...

Nov 24, 2021

35 Years of MetaSystems - 2001

Stanley Kubrick's epic 1968 film entitled "2001 - A Space Odyssey" once again addressed artificial intelligence (AI) within the context of a parable-like dystopia. Many images from this groundbreaking film (the monolith, the spinning bone superimposed on a satellite orbiting the Earth, etc. ...) have long been burned into the collective memory. The same goes for the red "eye" from the spaceship's onboard computer HAL 9000. In the vision for the year 2001, artificial intelligence was seen as something potentially evil. Today, AI algorithms are being successfully used in a variety of imaging tasks, such as in products by MetaSystems that revolutionize microscopic imaging in medicine and life sciences.

Visit our AI page for further details.

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