Metaphase Detection

Building Imaging Workflows in High-Throughput Laboratories.

Key Features

  • Our advanced software automatically identifies metaphases and captures images without manual intervention, streamlining your workflow and increasing efficiency.
  • Utilizing Deep Neural Network (DNN) technology, our software excels in detecting metaphases even in difficult preparations or challenging cell cultures, ensuring short scan times and improved sensitivity.
  • The setup is compatible with a range of preparation techniques, including Giemsa staining and fluorescence, ensuring flexibility and precision in your analyses.
  • A convenient image gallery displays detected metaphases in real-time, allowing for immediate review.
  • The positions of detected metaphases are saved, enabling easy relocation and further processing as needed.
  • Capture up to 800 slides seamlessly and unattended in a single session, maximizing your lab’s throughput and minimizing downtime.
  • The installation can be configured as a stand-alone workstation or integrated into a multi-user network, providing scalability to meet the needs of labs of any size.
  • Manage cases and images efficiently with Neon, our sophisticated image management software, designed to streamline your workflow and enhance data organization.
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Metaphase Finding

At the intersection of precision and automation, MetaSystems' Metafer software controls microscope and accessory hardware to automatically capture digital images. The Customization Package Metaphase Detection is adapted to automatically find and acquire metaphases by integrating sophisticated software functions and advanced microscopy hardware.

The most common preparation and contrasting methods, such as Giemsa staining, fluorescence, and phase contrast, are supported. Detected metaphases are automatically displayed in a real-time gallery during the search. Metaphases can be conveniently relocated by clicking on the respective gallery image to allow detailed inspection.

For capturing high-resolution images, metaphases are selected interactively or automatically. Users can simply pick metaphases for acquisition with the mouse. Alternatively, the search parameters can be set to assign quality scores to the metaphases, allowing a defined number of the best metaphases to be selected automatically. To provide a complete picture, some randomly selected metaphases can additionally be captured. Once acquired, images are immediately available to any connected workstation.

Additional parameters such as the mitotic index (MI) are automatically determined. When scanning clonal samples, Metafer can capture a specified number of metaphases per clone and assign the clone number to the metaphase metadata.

The system, when integrated with the SlideFeeder x80, AutoOiler and Barcode Reader, can capture images of up to 800 slides seamlessly and unattended in a single session, maximizing your lab’s throughput and minimizing downtime.

DNN-Based Metaphase Detection

However, the machine learning-based approach has limitations, especially when poorly prepared cells or suboptimal cell cultures are involved. MetaSystems has improved its Metafer-based metaphase finder to better manage these difficult scenarios. The use of Deep Neural Networks (DNN), a form of artificial intelligence, has the potential to enhance the detection of metaphases, even where previous methods were inadequate. This improvement allows for the inclusion of challenging preparations into automated workflows.

The DNN-based metaphase search can be added to any Metafer-based metaphase finder as a Customization Package. The approach typically yields metaphases of superior quality compared to those identified by traditional algorithms. The method has the potential to not only boost the overall count of detected metaphases, but to also decrease the need for recording metaphases at high resolutions.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is the advantage of automated metaphase finding and unattended image acquisition?
Automated metaphase finding and unattended image acquisition significantly improve throughput and quality. Independent studies have shown that using automated systems increases case turnover rates and improves analysis quality. Our Metafer software, combined with automated imaging hardware, streamlines the workflow, reduces manual intervention, and enhances accuracy.

How does DNN-based metaphase detection improve accuracy?
DNN-based (Deep Neural Network) metaphase detection utilizes advanced artificial intelligence to accurately identify metaphases, even in difficult preparations or challenging cell cultures. This ensures high reliability and precision in your workflow.

What types of preparations and contrasting methods are supported?
The system is adaptable to various preparation techniques, including Giemsa staining, fluorescence, and phase contrast. This flexibility allows for precise and accurate analysis across different types of staining methods.

Can the positions of metaphases be saved for future reference?
Yes, the positions of detected metaphases are saved by our system, enabling easy relocation and transfer to manual microscopes for detailed inspection. This feature helps maintain continuity and accuracy in your work.

How many slides can be processed in a single run?
The system, when integrated with the SlideFeeder x80, AutoOiler and Barcode Reader, can capture images from up to 800 slides seamlessly and unattended in a single session, maximizing your lab’s throughput and minimizing downtime.

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Legal Note

MetaSystems software provides, among other functions, features to assist users with image processing. These include, but are not limited to, the use of machine and deep learning algorithms for pattern recognition. The output generated in this process should be regarded as preliminary suggestions and, in any case, mandatorily requires review and assessment by trained experts.

MetaSystems offers Customization Packages for application workflows that have been successfully implemented for customer labs using standard Metafer platform functionality. It is expected that they can be implemented for other customer labs using similar workflows and slide preparation procedures. If a Customization Package is purchased, MetaSystems product specialists will – based on their experience from other similar application cases - support the customer lab in adapting the Metafer software configuration to their needs. The performance of the solution will depend on the quality of the customer slides and the expertise of the users, MetaSystems cannot specify or guarantee any performance parameters. The validation of the solution for clinical use is the sole responsibility of the customer lab.
