Aberration Assay

Digital Counting

Semi-automated tools for processing chromosomal aberrations.

Key Features

  • MetaSystems provides an integrated slide scanning platform, Metafer, which automates many aspects of the assay. This includes automated metaphase finding, high-throughput scanning, and on-screen analysis, significantly reducing manual effort and increasing throughput.
  • The Metafer system includes user-configurable scoring sheets that can be tailored to specific research needs. This flexibility allows for the easy addition of new aberration classes and assignment of keyboard shortcuts for efficient data entry.
  • While the system automates detection and counting of aberrations, it also allows for manual review and correction. Detected aberrations are highlighted, and users can easily inspect and verify findings.
  • The automated features of the Metafer system ensure high reproducibility and accuracy of results. The software's integrated self-optimization algorithm further enhances the precision of aberration detection.
  • Administrators can design studies and encode slides to avoid scoring biases, ensuring objectivity. This feature is essential for maintaining the integrity of the analysis.
  • The Metafer system operates in full compliance with Good Laboratory Practices (GLP), incorporating multi-level user management, audit trails, and secure data and settings files. This ensures regulatory compliance and data security.
  • The system supports advanced image analysis, including the evaluation of telomere and centromere signals using FISH probes. This capability enhances the identification and characterization of chromosomal aberrations.
  • The Metafer system includes tools for printing or exporting results reports and performing statistical analysis, such as with the built-in Chi-square calculator. These features facilitate thorough data analysis and interpretation.
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Chromosomal Aberration Test

Treatment of cells with DNA-damaging agents can result in irreparable lesions in both strands of DNA. These damages may lead to chromosome breaks and rearrangements, which are microscopically visible as chromosomal aberrations in metaphase preparations. The in-vitro chromosome aberration test using cultured mammalian cells is a sensitive method to predict environmental mutagens and carcinogens. The test is widely used in pre-clinical toxicology studies, the OECD has published a respective guideline (OECD guideline #473), and the assay can be performed in accordance with Good Laboratory Practices (GLP).

MetaSystems has created a semi-automated workflow for the on-screen analysis of chromosomal aberrations. All tools are available as features of the integrated scanning system operated by the Metafer software. Studies can be designed by an administrator, and all slides in a study can be encoded to avoid scoring biases. Metaphases are found and captured automatically. Images and/or original metaphases can be analyzed on screen, and aberration counts can be easily entered into user-configurable scoring sheets. Once a study is completed, the administrator is able to decode the slide names, to print or export results reports, and to do statistics (for example with the Metafer's Chi-square calculator).

All parts of the workflow are highly customizable. Though the Metafer software comes with a database of aberration classes, users can easily add other ones. The scoring sheets can be adapted to the required aberrations, and keyboard shortcuts can be assigned to each field for easier editing. Finally, all reports and export file formats can be set to exactly match the requirements. The whole test can be performed in full compliance to the GLP regulations (including multi-level user management, audit trails, and protected data and settings files).

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is a chromosomal aberration assay?

A chromosomal aberration assay is a laboratory test used to detect structural changes in chromosomes, such as breaks, rearrangements, and dicentric chromosomes. It is a sensitive method for assessing DNA damage caused by environmental mutagens, carcinogens, and radiation.

Why is the chromosomal aberration assay important?

This assay is crucial for identifying genetic damage and potential health risks posed by various substances and environmental factors. It is widely used in pre-clinical toxicology, environmental mutagenesis studies, and radiation biodosimetry.

What types of chromosomal aberrations can be detected?

The assay can detect various types of chromosomal aberrations, including dicentric chromosomes, ring chromosomes, translocations, deletions, and complex rearrangements.

How is the chromosomal aberration assay performed?

The assay involves culturing mammalian cells, treating them with a test substance or exposing them to radiation, and then preparing metaphase spreads to examine under a microscope. Aberrations are identified and counted to assess the extent of chromosomal damage.

What guidelines govern the chromosomal aberration assay?

The assay is performed according to established guidelines, such as the OECD guideline #473, which outlines the procedures and criteria for conducting in-vitro mammalian chromosomal aberration tests.

What is the role of MetaSystems in chromosomal aberration analysis?

MetaSystems provides advanced tools and software solutions, such as the Metafer slide scanning platform and DCScore package, to automate and streamline the analysis of chromosomal aberrations, improving efficiency and accuracy.

How does the Metafer system enhance the chromosomal aberration assay?

The Metafer system offers automated metaphase finding, high-throughput scanning, on-screen analysis, and customizable scoring sheets. It reduces the manual workload and increases the speed and reproducibility of aberration detection.

Can the Metafer system handle different types of aberrations?

Yes, the Metafer system comes with a database of aberration classes, and users can add new classes as needed. The scoring sheets and analysis tools are highly customizable to fit specific research requirements.

Is it possible to perform manual corrections on automated results?

Yes, the Metafer system allows for manual review and correction of automatically detected aberrations, ensuring high accuracy and reliability of the results.

How does the Metafer system ensure unbiased scoring?

The system allows for slide encoding, preventing scorer biases. Studies can be designed by an administrator, and all slides in a study can be encoded to avoid influencing the analysis.

What are the compliance features of the Metafer system?

The Metafer system complies with Good Laboratory Practices (GLP), featuring multi-level user management, audit trails, and protected data and settings files, ensuring regulatory compliance and data integrity.

How does the chromosomal aberration assay contribute to radiation biodosimetry?

By detecting specific aberrations like dicentric chromosomes, which correlate with radiation dose, the assay helps estimate radiation exposure levels quickly and accurately, which is critical in emergency situations involving radiation accidents.

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Legal Note

MetaSystems software provides, among other functions, features to assist users with image processing. These include, but are not limited to, the use of machine and deep learning algorithms for pattern recognition. The output generated in this process should be regarded as preliminary suggestions and, in any case, mandatorily requires review and assessment by trained experts.

MetaSystems offers Customization Packages for application workflows that have been successfully implemented for customer labs using standard Metafer platform functionality. It is expected that they can be implemented for other customer labs using similar workflows and slide preparation procedures. If a Customization Package is purchased, MetaSystems product specialists will – based on their experience from other similar application cases - support the customer lab in adapting the Metafer software configuration to their needs. The performance of the solution will depend on the quality of the customer slides and the expertise of the users, MetaSystems cannot specify or guarantee any performance parameters. The validation of the solution for clinical use is the sole responsibility of the customer lab.