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General Purpose Reagent

The Ready-to-Use Solution for Viscous Samples

Respiratory samples are often very viscous. Such samples must be liquefied in order to process them in the laboratory.

The Solution for Viscous Samples

The ready-to-use Liquillizer reagent allows a highly effective liquefaction of tracheal and bronchial secretions, as well as sputa. Compared to other liquefaction reagents, the buffer does not contain DTT and is therefore odorless and stable at room temperature for four weeks after opening.

Just Two Easy Steps

Add an equal amount of Liquillizer to your sample and mix for liquefaction to have the sample ready to process.

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Your Benefits

Liquillizer Is Easy-to-Use

  • Ready-to-use solution.
  • Odorless, as Liquillizer is a DTT-free reagent.
  • Storage and use at room temperature (15 – 25 °C).
  • Sample heating is not necessary.
  • No incubation.
  • No centrifugation.

Liquillizer Is Stable

Liquillizer offers stable activity for over four weeks after opening.

Liquillizer Is Economic in Use

Liquillizer comes in two different bottle sizes (125 and 250 ml). Long stability after opening allows using up the total volume.

Processed Samples Can be Used in a Broad Range of Applications

Liquillizer facilitates sample handling for procedures and cultivation.

Customers who want to download manufacturer certificates find them here.

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Order Information

Volume Individual bottle Pack of 5 bottles Pack of 10 bottles
125 ml P-7510-001-IG P-7510-005-IG P-7510-006-IG
250 ml P-7510-002-IG P-7510-007-IG P-7510-008-IG

Legal Note

Liquillizer is manufactured by MetaSystems Indigo GmbH, Germany.

Liquillizer® is a general purpose, mucolytic reagent for easier handling of viscous patient samples. Liquillizer® does not require a dedicated Intended Purpose.